From ἄλφα to ὦμέγα

Friday, December 26, 2008

Energy and Illusion as Quantum Reality as the Future

Part 1: The perceptual energy being attributed to the illusion of separate perception is not really separate. But since it appears as separate one behaves as if it was separate. This identification with one's separate perception, with one's individual perceptions creates conflicts, and conflicts create suffering. 

This video describes us being separated from the source as a result of different veils, which create the illusion of separate existence. Opinions are mental constructs, reflecting illusionary separate consciousness. Everything is mental, is opinion and thus even what you believe to be you is an opinion only, an attribution of energy to the illusion of separate existence. 

However, behind these concepts, there is the point of origin and this is the knower of illusion behind it, the knower knowing the known, the knower making all these illusions possible. The identity of this ultimate knower is being evaluated based on the concepts being known by this knower and this results in a fundamental misunderstanding concerning the true nature of this supreme knower.

Part 2: You have opinions, and opinions are merely reflections of your limited personality, of your limited point of view. You have opinions about the observed, about something or someone, about what you perceive in your mind, about what has a meaning for you. What you perceive and what has a meaning for you is a symbol, a concept, a meaningful picture. 

Your illusionary personality manifests itself not merely as your opinion about what you observe, but also as the symbolic meaning itself being attributed to the observed. And thus, your personality manifests itself as the meaning being attributed to the thought-patterns you're aware of. One could say, that thought interacts with thought, an opinion interacts with an opinion.  What you believe to be is a thought, what you observe is a thought too. The observer is a thought and the observed is a thought too. Thought interacts with thought, like two material objects interacting with each other. 

There is no real conflict, only the illusion of conflict exists. Laws and rules are the collective ossifications of the sum of individual perceptions, the sum of individual illusions, that manifest as so called material reality. The Supreme Self is not the physical itself, however, it makes the physical possible. The source is not the physical, but the physical is on a higher level than the picture of the physical in our perception. The physical itself consists of symbols, and what we are aware of are symbols being attributed to symbols. Even the primary symbols are an illusion. What we are aware of, is an illusion of an illusion, so to speak.

No, we are not helpless, we are as powerful, as the illusions we have created. Letting go means the dissolution of the density of meaning being attributed to the perceived.

These videos are truly exceptional.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to Stand Absolute

Instruction manual on how to stand absolute

The girl you see in the videos is not the being actually speaking. She seems to be a channeling medium, an interdimensional portal. Anyway this is supreme wisdom - a rare event nowadays, in these unwise ages. I have seen and read a lot, and hardly have I come along so much wisdom in one place. Although I have to say, the desteni website seems quite strange, so much disinformation and so much wisdom all in the same place. I suggest you simply watch these videos and ignore the rest. 

Disinformation is about mixing up truths with untruths and half-truths. You mix the poison with honey, so people are willing to swallow it. What is being said on the desteni website about Jesus is inconsistent with what has been said by Meher Baba. What they say about many other subjects contradicts much of what I've read. 

Anyway, I suggest you simply don't believe anything and just be here and now. Instead of believing new things, I suggest, you just stop believing in what you have believed in so far: Simply assume, that everything you have known and learned so far is wrong. Start from zero so to say. To gradually unlearn everything you have learned till now, would take you ages. I suggest you simply drop all of that. 

Believe in what you are aware of, the moment you are aware of it, as a mind consciousness construct. See whatever you see as a thought only. Jiddu Krishnamurty, the super intellectual put it beautifully: You cannot get beyond the mind by judging with your mind, what your mind makes you be conscious of. Just look at everything you are aware of as what it appears to be, make the subjective stand absolute, see all of your perceptions as mind constructs, that are true as long as you believe them to be true. 

Nothing is what it appears to be in this world, and yet in your mind everything is exactly what it appears to be. Here and now it is what it is. You make it what it is, by seeing it the way you make it being seen by you. If you change the way it appears onto you, you change it, you create it, you destroy it. Don't rely on anybody. Make no gods, be your own god. You make it real and unreal. 

These videos are true mind control. Following these will completely wipe out your personality. So be warned, they are dangerous, dangerous to what you believe to be. Transcendence comes at a price: Sacrifice everything and become everything.

And remember not to remember anything. Do not trust me at any cost for I am a thief and a liar. Be just Be.